Thursday, April 7, 2011

The Adventures of Mixed Lighting...

The things I have learned doing this project, 
1. Start with a clean piece of wood instead of one with glow stuck on it.
2. Having a puppy running around in your studio can be distracting.
3. be prepared to get dirty!!
Unmixed white clay with water
Mixed red clay with bowl and water

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

To The Zoo!

I went to the zoo today with Mom, sister Madison, nephew Jack, cousin Kell and her baby Gavin. It was such a nice sunny day to go see all of the fun animals.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Just a Sunday afternoon with the family

We went to my Aunt Danece's for dinner since Grandma and Grandpa were out of town. It was a great day for a BBQ. My nephew Jack got his very first hair cut! He looks like a little boy now, no longer a baby. He also took 8 whole steps, its going to be any day now that he is just gonna get up and go! I love my family they are such fun to be around, I'm excited to see what this week brings.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oooo Shiny...

The use of strobes
 These are my Great Grandfathers cameras, they are both still in working condition. I plan to use the AGFA medium format camera sometime during the summer.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Studio lighting (how to light glass)

This is one of my first attempts at lighting glass and non shiny objects for my studio lighting class. I will tell you now that is was an adventure!

Starting a blog

So, today I decided to start a blog. I wanted it to have a place to share things about my day. well I will start out by saying my day has not yet had any excitement but my week thus far has had a little... On Saturday me and and my darling roommate Danielle got the pleasure of receiving a brand new roommate two months before school gets out. The manager of our apartments thought that she was a boy at first, I am still not yet convinced that she is a girl.. only time will tell i guess. I had the pleasure of attending a BBQ for my good friends student elections. I have been working on my studio lighting project a lot this week, I do believe that it is turning out great. I have been photographing some of my Great Grandfathers cameras that my family had found in my Grandmothers house. It has been a very interesting process to say the least. Working with strobes is a whole new ball game for me but I do feel that it is helping me improve my skills as a photographer. We will see what happens next.